Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Brand New To This!!

Hello everyone! I am so brand new to this and would love some "blogger" buddies!

So, please, feel free to send me a comment! I don't know how else to get started on this thing!!! LOL




Jen said...

Hey Sarah!! How are ya?! I guess I am your first blogger friend! :)

Sarah said...

I have no idea if I'm doing this right! This is actually for Jen! I tried to click on your contact name to leave you a message but the page can't be displayed for some reason. So hopefully you'll pop back over to my page and see that I've left you a message, because I'm not sure if this will show up on mine or yours. Hopefully I'll get the hang of this someday!

Thank you so much for contacting me! It was so exciting to see that I had a comment! I would love to be your blogger friend!

Jen said...


Yes, I did get your message. If you go to my page directly it would be easier probably... it is You will get the hang of this!! Once you do it more often it comes easier!!! If you need help let me know and I can try to explain it to you through here... I would to be your blogger friend also!! :) Have a wonderful day!!

Sandy said...

Hi Sarah,
I have found my way to you from Melissa Taylor's blog.

As I was reading what you wrote I so wanted to reach out and give you a hug. I don't know what it was but I just felt a connection with you as I was reading.

I do not struggle with being to thin or to big but I struggle with not beining what my flesh considers a perfect weight.
But I have been so thankful for Melissa's blog to help me with this and many other issues I have
going on.

Sarah, I am new to all of this blogging also. I am stuggling with leaving comments. This is my second try for leaving one for you.

I would like to end saying you are in my prayers and that I hope to read more from you soon.
God bless you my new friend.
Sandy said...


You've been tagged!


for details!

Keep blogging girl!


Amy L Brooke said...

I don't know you but I'd love to be a new bloggy friend. Blogging is great. But be forewarned that it may be addicting!

Unknown said...

Found you via Melissa's Blog. Welcome to the Bloging world.....your life will never be the same.
Come by my blogs any time
The best part about blogging is all the people you will meet that love the Lord our G-d as much as you and I do......
G-ds Blessing to you,

Jennifer said...

Hey, Sarah! Welcome to the blog world. I look forward to reading some more of your posts and hearing from you as well.

Have a great day!

Jennifer Barker